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A Matter of Survival
The Human Existential Emergency:
the challenge and its possible solutions
by science author Julian Cribb AM FRSA FTSE

How to Fix a Broken Planet
Describes the existential emergency that menaces human civilisation and our planet, and what we can all do to overcome or mitigate it....

Earth Detox: how and why we must clean up our planet
Every person on Earth is affected by a worldwide deluge of man-made chemicals and pollutants - most of which have never been tested for...

Food or War: how food will decide the human future
Ours is the Age of Food. Food is a central obsession in all cultures, nations, the media, and society. Our future supply of food is...

Surviving the 21st Century: our ten great challenges and how we can overcome them
Surviving the 21st Century explores the central question facing humanity today: how can we best survive the ten great existential...

The Coming Famine: the global food crisis and what we can do to avoid it
In The Coming Famine, Julian Cribb lays out a vivid picture of impending planetary crisis--a global food shortage that threatens to hit...

Surviving C21 - thoughts on the human future
In this blog I explore a range of issues vital to the survival of human civilization and of our species in short, digestible opinion...

Time to end the mass killing
It is the worst case of mass homicide in human history. Worse than World War II and the Holocaust, worse that World War 1, worse even...

Preparing for Catastrophic Risk
Julian Cribb FRSA FTSE Humans are facing our greatest existential emergency since we first appeared as a distinct species a million or...

Time to speak the unspeakable
From The Guardian By Julian Cribb On any day between 10,000 and 30,000 wildfires blaze around the planet. Realms as diverse and distant...

The methane gun
By Julian Cribb FRSA FTSE In all the sound and fury over climate change, too little public and media attention has been devoted to the...

Of food, war and ecology: how we can end the 6th Extinction
The most destructive implement on the Planet, without a doubt, is the human jawbone. Every year, in the course of wolfing through 8.5...

On the Need for an Earth Standard Currency
An essay by Julian Cribb FRSA ATSE In an age of existential emergency, when the future of human civilization depends on how successfully...

Can human civilization survive?
A video talk about the existential emergency we face - and what we can do about it. On the Human Future

The End of Freedom
The whole of humanity is only a decade or so from meekly surrendering the one thing most us have craved, sought and fought for throughout...

Averting ecocide
In the view of most thinking people, the human species is more likely to earn its end in either a nuclear Armageddon or an episode of...

The Elders are rebelling
There is a palpable wrath, out there in Elderland. The Elders, it seems, are no longer happy to look on as a bunch of corporates and...

Learning to think as a species
This is the linking of human minds, values, information and solutions at lightspeed and in real time around the planet, via the internet...

World is facing a water crisis
The world faces an acute water crisis within ten years, affecting food supplies, megacities and industry globally, a leading science...

Earth is now a ‘toxic planet’
Humans emit more than 250 billion tonnes of chemical substances a year, in a toxic avalanche that is harming people and life everywhere...

You ‘eat’ 30 kilos of soil every day…
Every meal you eat now costs the planet 10 kilos of lost topsoil. That’s the warning of “Surviving the 21st Century” author Julian Cribb...
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